My prostate trouble – By RJM

NewmanEye Admin Patient Stories

My “Prostate Trouble” started following a routine BUPA Medical, where my PSA was recorded as 5.3 which necessitated a visit to my GP. He explained that the PSA test was not 100% reliable and suggested I come in for a blood test in a few weeks time for further PSA test. This time it was 7.10 and after me telling him my Father had Prostate Cancer he wanted me to visit a Urologist and Mr Henderson was Order Zaleplon recommended.

My first visit to Mr Henderson therapy Viagra included a physical examination, a free flow urine test which were all fine and another blood test for PSA which was now 8.60

However with this high PSA reading, my age and history regarding my father Mr Henderson considered an MRI Scan and Template Prostate Biopsies would be the best way forward.

The MRI scan was clear of disease, however the biopsy did show quite high volume intermediate risk prostate cancer.  A bit of a shock, but believe deep down I was prepared for it. I was offered three types of treatment: radical prostatectomy (surgery), brachytherapy, or radical radiotherapy.  My first inclination was to have the first treatment, on a basis that if something is bad – I want it out !

A very full explanation was then given to me of the options. I had never heard of brachytherapy before and the fact that this was only a day in hospital with a rapid return to normal activities along with a lower risk of incontinence and impotency compared to surgery was attractive. I confirmed to Mr Henderson that I favoured the brachytherapy route.

I then returned home and researched the subject, which resulted in me convincing myself that I had made the correct decision.

The first procedure is the volume study, takes about fifteen to twenty minutes and you walk out afterwards. The procedure is possibly slightly uncomfortable but is not painful.

The second procedure is the radioactive seed implant which is done under a general anaesthetic as a day case patient. This all seemed very straightforward and painless. The next few days I attempted to not overdo things , but I felt fine and life continued as normal.

Amount a month later a CT Scan is required.

Have recently had my first PSA test and while too early to claim absolute success this is clearly moving in the right direction.

Certainly I am now more confident of the eventual outcome and am pleased that I chose a Brachytherapy as opposed to surgery. My way of life over the past few months has not changed (with the exception of some ED but feel this might be slightly psychological) and I have not experienced any pain.

Seems strange, that had I not had that BUPA Medical, I would now be in blissful ignorance of my prostate problem.

9 November 2013.