We have provided some frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help, however, please contact us if you have any further questions or would like to make an appointment.
How can I get an appointment?
You can contact Alastair’s Secretary directly or ask your GP for a referral.
How long will I have to wait for my first appointment?
Clinic retin-a appointments are usually available within the same week (4-5 days). Many private insurers insist on a referral letter from your GP if you plan to claim on your insurance. If your problem is urgent please phone us, or your insurer for advice.
Are early/ evening appointments available?
Routine outpatient clinics are on Monday morning and Friday afternoon/evening but if you have a problem attending we will try to help. Alastair doesn’t currently run routine clinics at the weekend.
Can I bring my child with me to my clinic appointment?
As Alastair is used to seeing both adults and children in clinic this would be fine.
Do I need to do anything in preparation for my first consultation?
You may wish to bring a list of questions or a friend to your consultation, as it can be difficult to remember everything.
If you have been seen elsewhere already then correspondence is very helpful.
If are having trouble passing urine or think you may have a urine infection it may be helpful to come with a full bladder or have a drink when you arrive (drinks are available in the clinic area).
What are the differences between an outpatient, a day case and an inpatient?
In outpatients we provide consultations and can do urine tests for infection or to detect problems with bladder function.
Day-surgery is for minor procedures either under local anaesthetic or sometimes with a full anaesthetic where you are expected to be able to go home the same day.
An inpatient is usually a more significant procedure where you may stay a night or more in the hospital.
How can I pay for the treatment?
If you have private health insurance this may pay for the treatment or you can self pay. If you need details of the cost of treatment you can contact us and we’ll be happy to tell you what it would cost. The private hospitals in which Alastair works run a fixed price service for patients who are choosing to self-pay and this helps as the costs are clear up front.
When does Alastair do operations?
Usually on Thursday afternoons.
What are the Do’s and Don’ts when coming in for a procedure?
We will talk about this in the clinic.
If you have been told that you are having an anaesthetic procedure it is usually the case that:
- Do bring your usual medications with you
- Do wear something comfortable and loose clothes are best. Consider leaving excess jewellery at home as it will need to be removed for your procedure.
- The hospital was Wi-Fi in the rooms
- We recommend bringing toiletries and nightclothes if you are having an anaesthetic
- You shouldn’t eat or drink anything except water for 6 hours before the procedure.
- You shouldn’t have water for 2 hours before surgery.
- If you are taking medication ask Alastair or the pre-op team whether you should take it as normal (particularly if you are taking warfarin or other blood-thinning medication).
- If you are unwell for example with a cold/flu/chest infection it would be a good idea to ring the hospital where you are having surgery before coming in
We usually use information leaflets to let people know about their specific operation.