The Lancet medical journal has published the results of the PROMIS study this week on Prostate MRI. This revolutionary study has confirmed the effectiveness of (Multi-Parametric) MP-MRI in assessing the likelihood of prostate cancer before patients have to undergo biopsy, which has been reported in the Telegraph and a number of other newspapers today. The research team led by Mr Henderson, …
Movember 2014 ! Changing the face of Men’s Health
This Movember, I’ve committed my upper lip to help change the face of men’s health by growing a moustache, and now I need your support at The Movember Foundation is the leading global organisation committed to changing the face of men’s health. I’m passionate about this cause because too many men are dying unnecessarily from prostate cancer. Each year, …
Tunbridge Wells Clinic for Urinary Urgency and Leakage
Both men and women may experience an urge to suddenly pass water. The first signs may be noticing they you have to keep an eye out for where toilets are when you are going out of the house. Doctors often call this urinary urgency. Some patients who have more severe symptoms may experience leakage of urine (incontinence). It can …
Blood in Pee Campaign
Most people who pee blood would probably think that this was a little worrying. Sometimes blood in the urine can be the first sign of a really important problem such as a bladder or kidney cancer. These problems are more common in current or ex-smokers but even people with a healthy lifestyle may have them. For many people however it …
New Treatments for Recurring Urine Infection in Women
Having one urine infection is enough to put up with and women are more likely to suffer with this condition. Some women are unlucky enough to suffer with more than one urine infection and these can need specialist assessment and treatment particularly if they are suffering more than two infections per year. Specialist tests including non-invasive ultrasound scans are usual in …